Case Study

See how Lithium was able to implement SEO and Pay-per-click strategies with an established plumber to skyrocket their leads by


all while spending the same budget as the previous marketing agency.

Where did the leads come from? How was it possible to nearly double the lead volume when their previous marketing agencies had said that they were maxed out and could not get more than 500 calls per month? First let’s take a look at organic movement on Google during that month:

To the right shows that during that first month of implementing our SEO strategy search visibility went from just over 4% in Plumbing related searches to 15%… that’s an increase of over:


During that same time Sarkinen’s competition was dropping.

Their average position on Google went from about 65th to about 17th in 1 month on over 200 Keywords. Here is the actual data that shows how that happened:

Before starting this marketing program Lithium worked with Sarkinen Plumbing to make a road map to success and a very detailed plan of how we were going to build their new website, create new content, and structure it for maximum impact.

Sarkinen had always been told that they needed to just keep spending more on Google Ads to increase calls. We took a different approach. You don’t need to always increase the budget, often the best ROI is by increasing the conversion rate (CRO)! An average Google Ad campaign converts at about 5%. With CRO we were able to bring that to over 25%!

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