search engine optimization

Be Seen

SEO dramatically increases your chances of being seen by the people who are searching for the products and services you offer.

Lithium Marketing is Your

Lewisville SEO Company

Regardless of the state of your business, Lithium Marketing is here to grow with you. We do things different than many of the other Lewisville SEO agencies out there, from values which put our clients first to methods which are built on tested principles – never tricks – to deliver excellent and lasting results for all the people that come our way.

Our mission is to help you help your neighbors in Lewisville, Texas and beyond through the awesome stuff you do. We do this by building a web presence that search engines like Google and Bing want to display to your customers.

Are You Looking for an SEO Company in Lewisville, TX?

If you’re visiting this page, we are guessing you are experiencing one of a few different situations in the life of your business.

  • You’ve hit a plateau, and are looking to reach customers on a new level
  • Business is going backward, and you need to turn it around
  • Your business is new, so you need to get the word out
  • Though you’ve been spending a good deal on marketing so far, you think you can get a better value for money

We can also guess that you’ve been exposed to the idea of search engine optimization (SEO) and have heard stories about what it can do for a business like yours. As an SEO agency, we have personally seen how using SEO methods help our clients in Lewisville and beyond

  • Increase sales
  • Get recognized online
  • Enter into new markets
  • Build confidence around their brand
  • Breathe new life into a company
  • Make more profit

If that sounds good to you, get in touch with us to continue the conversation. Otherwise, keep reading to learn about what SEO means, why SEO works, how we do SEO, and why we do SEO the way we do.


Search engine optimization can sound like just another excuse to create an acronym. But it does what its acronym suggests:

SEO seeks to develop each webpage on a site in such a way that search engines can see it is the optimum result for a given query.

What Lithium SEO Specialists Do to Make Sites Rank in Lewisville Searches

SEO is not magic – though the SEO gurus out there would probably like more Lewisville, TX business owners to believe otherwise. We have a series of tested and proven things we do when we SEO a site (that’s right, SEO is a verb, too) – adapting our processes with new trends and changes in technology. Our method has brought consistent, often quick results to clients from a variety of different fields, from software to duct cleaning.

Strategic Planning

The process we go through as your Lewisville SEO agency starts with research to develop a plan which will meet the goals our clients have for their business. In our research, we identify

  • Current site structure, content, and technical issues for which most non-specialists wouldn’t know to look
  • External factors such as link profile, Google My Business information, and online other profiles
  • Keywords and phrases that are likely – based on evidence collected through a variety of tools – to bring more traffic to a site. And not just any traffic, but clicks that are more likely to lead to sales.

Tested On-Page SEO Methods

Using the data we gather in our research, we add our experience to create content that both people and search engines will want to see. This involves outlining a page and developing verbal and visual elements in collaboration with our clients which is clear, strategic, and tastefully written. It means working on things that users never see like site schema. We also hammer out site formatting and coding errors to make your site something you’d be proud to show.

Link Building and Off-Page SEO

Developing SEO means building your site’s online reputation. You need to develop authority and trust in order to rank as highly as possible. This means going beyond your site’s boundaries to establish your business as legitimate in the eyes of a search engine. And so, we manage your key profiles and information online and build links to your page. As your Lewisville, Texas SEO company, we have an excellent relationship with websites across many industries to maximize your citation and link profile.

Regular Evaluation – Are We Meeting Goals?

Depending on the situation, SEO can take some time to see results. After setting up a site for making gains, we don’t just let it go. We keep tabs on what’s happening with a page through multiple tools and regularly come back to evaluate what’s happening for our Lewisville clients in order to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of our initial approach, which can vary by location.

That's our approach

If it sounds like something you can get behind, contact us, and let’s get the conversation going.

Lithium Does Things Different

Many companies could say things similar to what we have written above. But we are not just like other Lewisville internet marketing agencies.

We care
about our clients

We aim to increase your business leads, signups, revenues, prospects, conversions, and profits for a great ROI. Your bottom line informs all the things that we do because we know that the success of your business is what keeps you doing the good that you do. We really do want to see you succeed – it’s what drives us to do better.

We Invest
in Our People

We believe that to be the best, you have to surround yourself with the best. We reinvest in our business by staying on top of the latest trends and methods in the SEO industry. The search landscape is an ever-changing beast, and it is our job to understand it and wrangle it. We spend thousands of dollars each year on training, education, conferences, and research to that end.

We have
a Mission

We provide our customers in Lewisville, Texas and beyond with SEO, PPC management, web design, and social media marketing that expands their reach into the world. In doing this, we conduct ourselves with wisdom, integrity, and excellence, without cutting corners or making use of tricks that might only work in the short-run.
One of the most important differences behind Lithium Marketing is the level of personal service we provide to our clients. We are not a faceless SEO company or service added onto your web hosting package. Even when those services do have a person somewhere behind them, they don’t get close to offering the level of care and attention provided by our Lewisville SEO company.

If that sounds like the difference you’ve been looking for in an SEO agency, let us know.



The SEO Problem, or Why SEO Exists in the First Place

Many people think about a search engine (e.g., Google, Bing) as a sort of combination of machine and person. This leads them to a couple (incorrect) conclusions:

  1. A search engine is always “fair”
  2. A search engine can understand what is written on a page to a similar degree as a human
  3. A search engine can recognize when it sees a beautiful page that it should be displayed prominently in the results for a given search

From these assumptions, a person who is starting a business may decide to use a website editor such as Wix, WordPress, or even Google’s own site builder, spending hours crafting a site that looks good and speaks to the business’ personality. Yet one week, two weeks, one month, two months, six months after the site is up, and still, they are nowhere to be found within the search results!

What stings even more is when a potential customer searches for their business name, and a local competitor steals the spot ahead of them. Perhaps that potential customer assumes that the search engine knows better than they do, and so they click on your competitor’s link, meaning you miss out on the sale. What went wrong?

The SEO Solution

A search engine’s algorithm is a complex and incredible piece of technology. But it is not human. This means:

  1. A search engine is safe, not fair. A search engine may favor sites with a particular structure, content, and online reputation over others, not giving much chance to sites that are too far outside the norm.
  2. While advances have certainly been made in the field of machine learning and “understanding,” no search engine algorithm can interpret a webpage with the depth and nuance that a human can. You can’t trust a search engine to get what you mean unless you’re speaking on its level. We say this without even taking into account the visual elements on a page that contribute to the human understanding of the text, which search engines don’t seem to be able to take into account at this time.
  3. A search engine can’t see and can’t understand aesthetic beauty. As it turns out, search engines like Google rely on humans for any knowledge of the “appeal” of a site by tracking the number of times a site is visited and how long users stay there before going on to the next thing. So search engines only take the appearance of your site into account in a second-hand sort of way.

To get your site to appear above your competitors, it needs to be SEO’d. This essentially means that it needs to play by search engine rules. We give the search engine a page it will calculate to be among the best responses to the end user’s input. The more “best answers” we can provide, the more clicks you get, and the more sales you make.

The SEO team at Lithium Marketing has years of study and practice successfully doing SEO for our Lewisville clients. Search engine optimization may be just another excuse for an acronym – but it works.


    Search Engine OptimizationPay-Per-Click ManagementWebsite DesignSocial Media MarketingConversion Rate OptimizationOther

    Frequently Asked Questions for our SEO Agency

    (SEO FAQ)

    What makes Lithium different?
    As a marketing agency, we are different from the ground up. This isn’t just a paycheck to us – it’s the way that we help our neighbors. Visit our About Us page for more information, including our mission, vision, and values as your Lewisville SEO company.
    Where does Lithium SEO agency do business?
    Though we are a locally owned and operated business in Portland, Oregon, we work with anyone, anywhere, including Lewisville, Texas. That’s the beauty of technology. Get in touch no matter where you are.
    How much does SEO cost in Lewisville, Texas?
    Prices vary depending on the amount of work needing to be done to get your site to rank, and the level of results you are looking for. We provide different levels of service based on your specific needs. What you will not find from us is hourly pricing, which can lead to unmet expectations or inflated billing. Instead, our monthly SEO retainer is an investment that we agree upon after thoroughly understanding your unique business. Only after this can we establish a price that will allow us to meet your unique goals and ensure that we have all the resources necessary to implement a successful SEO campaign for your company.

    We also do not believe in long-term SEO contracts. We don’t want to be locked into a service if that service isn’t performing for us, so we don’t expect you to either. With our month-to-month SEO contracts, we work to win your approval month after month.

    Does your SEO process work?
    In answer to this, we suggest you take a look at what our clients have said and the results they have achieved. Of course, you can find reviews by searching the web for Lithium SEO. Or, you can search for “Lithium Lewisville SEO” and see if we show up.
    What if Lithium's SEO method doesn't work for me? Are there any guarantees?
    We are confident and committed to achieving positive movement for each of our clients, adapting and learning to get their site as high as possible. That said, we can’t guarantee specific results. If you don’t feel as though our SEO services are delivering, we don’t lock you in with contracts – we want your best, even if that means you find it elsewhere.
    How does social media fit into an SEO strategy?
    We believe that the primary role of social media is to raise awareness of a company’s existence by establishing a personality behind the logo. For example, social media can help ensure that when a person thinks “I need SEO” they immediately think of a specific SEO company (like ours!) This increases the odds that they will enter “Lithium SEO” into their search engine, and they will very likely see our page first thanks to solid SEO. Since we already have a relationship with that person online, they are likely to come to our site, be super impressed, and contact us from there. To this end, we do some social media work ourselves (see our Facebook page), and manage the social media accounts of several clients. See our page for more information.
    How does blogging fit into Lithium's SEO strategy?
    Blogging has been a longtime SEO technique for many businesses, but it is not effective by default. Our SEO agency uses blogs as a sort of funnel to attract traffic to pages you really want potential customers to see (service pages). Our SEO specialists strategically create blogs and informational pages for several of our clients, which are designed to get noticed and funnel traffic where it needs to go. Blogs can also be cross-used as social media posts (see answer above). Contact us for more information.

    Lithium Marketing is your Lewisville, TX SEO Company

    We'd Love To Talk To You... 503-610-5768

    Even if you're not sure you need digital marketing, we're happy to talk with you. We'll take the time to understand your unique business and personal goals, and create a map to where you want to be.